The Thrice Cursed Mage Series (ebooks)

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All books in The Thrice Cursed Mage series. Seven (7) books total. Includes: Cursed, Book 1 Marked, Book 2 Burned, Book 3 Seized, Book 4 Claimed, Book 5 Hellbound, Book 6 Doomed, Book 7   *The Bull Demon King short story (Book 6.5) is sold separately.


Book 1 inย The Thrice Cursed Mage series

My name is Mac Brennan and that’s the only thing I can remember about myself. Not why I woke up in a dumpster. Not why my right arm is as black as pitch and covered in glowing red tattoos, and certainly not why a vicious death cult is after me.

Actually, that last part isn’t true. I know why the death cult is after me. It’s because I saved that damned girl from them. I didn’t know who she was at the time, but I’d have done it anyway. I just don’t like it when girls get beat up, call me old fashioned.

Still, I can tell she’s hiding something behind those devilish eyes, and if I want to find out what it is, I’ll have to help her.

My name is Mac Brennan. I have no memory, and I’m a werewolf-hunting, hellfire-flinging version of Faust himself.


Book 2 in The Thrice Cursed Mage series

Pierce Ambrose. That was the name of the man I’d been sent to kill. The man I’d failed to kill. I have one day left to make good on my contract before the thugs holding my sister and her son start sending me pieces of them.

Pierce Ambrose. A man with a secret I didn’t uncover until it was too late to turn back, too late to give up on trying to kill him.

Now, if I want to see my sister and nephew again, I have to try one last time.

My name is Mac Brennan, and this time, I’m playing for keeps.


Book 3 in The Thrice Cursed Mage series

My name is Mac Brennan, and I’m getting pretty sick of demons. For one, they’re jerks. For two, they’re ugly. For three, see points one and two.

I should have known making a deal with a devil would end with me getting double-crossed, but what can I say, I’m an idiot who wanted his family back.

That demon may have put an army between me and my family, but if I’ve learned anything these last few days, it’s that you can kill anything if you shoot it enough times.

And I’ve got a whole lot of bullets.


Book 4 in The Thrice Cursed Mage series

My name is Mac Brennan, and in order to save my family, I made a deal with a devil. Now, that demon has come to collect his due. If I want to get back to my family, I’ll have to pull off one last job.

It sounds simple enough. Save a kidnapped girl from the demon who runs New York City. I’ll be honest, I sort of agreed at rescue a kidnapped kid because I’ll be damned if I let some poor girl get taken from her family when I have the power to save her.

My name is Mac Brennan, and apparently, I’m a sucker who risks his life to save children.


Book 5 in The Thrice Cursed Mage series

My name is Mac Brennan, and before I woke up with a black as pitch arm covered in demonic tattoos I didnโ€™t remember getting, I fell in love with a girl who was brutally gunned down by a warlord and left to die a desert.

Or so I thought.

Turns out, she made a deal with a demon to save her life. Guess we werenโ€™t so different after all.

Her deal is simple. If she wants to live, she must destroy everything I hold dear.

Well, if itโ€™s destruction she wants, itโ€™s destruction sheโ€™ll get.


Book 6 in The Thrice Cursed Mage series

My name is Mac Brennan and if you havenโ€™t guessed, I got myself trapped in Hell because I couldnโ€™t bring myself to kill my Ex. It was a split second decision that left me trapped in Mammonโ€™s domain with no way out.

Now, if I want to get out of Hell alive, Iโ€™ll have to rely on the girl who shot me and left me for dead. Twice. Not the best odds, sure, but Iโ€™ve had it worse.

Unfortunately, the Prince of Greed still wants her dead, and letโ€™s just say that isnโ€™t an ironic title because of his selfless nature. No, what Mammon wants, Mammon gets. Usually.

My name is Mac Brennan, and itโ€™s time to give โ€˜em Hell.


Book 7 in The Thrice Cursed Mage series


All books in The Thrice Cursed Mage series.

Seven (7) books total.


Cursed, Book 1

Marked, Book 2

Burned, Book 3

Seized, Book 4

Claimed, Book 5

Hellbound, Book 6

Doomed, Book 7


*The Bull Demon King short story (Book 6.5) is sold separately.